Research of Autism ResearchTexas
1. This study investigated outcomes of children born to women who seroconverted to rubella immune during pregnancy. Compared to Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring data, the seroconversion group had a greater prevalence of autism (OR 6.07, P=0.051, nonsignificant); and to data derived from the National Health Interview Survey, a nonsignificant higher odds of autism (OR 5.57, P=0.060), higher odds of ADHD (OR 5.65, P=0.0027) and of any developmental disability (OR 3.59, P=0.014).
Hutton J. Developmental Outcomes in Children Born to Women with Possible Subclinical Rubella Exposures During Pregnancy. J Med Virol. 2023 Jan 21. doi: 10.1002/jmv.28517. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36680415. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1002/jmv.28517
2. Congenital cytomegalovirus infects twins more than singletons, and more identical twins are concordantly infected than fraternal twins giving an estimated heritability of 94%.
Hutton J. & Rowan Paul J. Vertical Transmission and Discordance of Cytomegalovirus in Twin Pregnancies. Journal: Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, section Virus and Host. (2021, Jul) 19;11:676988. doi: 10.3389/fcimb.2021.676988.
3. Viruses associated with autism affect genes of these two pathways with mutations common to both autism and cancer.
Hutton J. Overlapped Pathways of Autism Genes and Cancer Genes are Targeted by Viruses. Vaccines Vacccin 2021, 6(1): 000148.
4. From 2008 - 2018, the global prevalence of cCMV is seemingly decreasing, though the percentage of cases of cCMV with symptoms at birth is relatively unchanged.
Hutton J. A Pooled Estimate of the Global Prevalence of Congenital CMV and Clinical Sequelae at Birth in the last 10 years. IJRR. 2018. Feb. DOI 10.4444/ijrr.1002/509. http://www.ijrrjournal.com/IJRR_Vol.5_Issue.2_Feb2018/IJRR001.pdf
5. This paper proposes a similar process as an explanation for a certain teratogenic process, linking cellular changes instigated by various viruses to those of autism.
Hutton J. ‘Hit and Run’ Teratogenesis, with Specific Regards to Autism. Vaccines Vaccin 2017, 2(1): 000105. https://www.researchgate.net/deref/https%3A%2F%2Fmedwinpublishers.com%2FVVOA%2FVVOA16000105.pdf
6. Contrary to current belief, rubella has not been eradicated and globally affects up to 5% of pregnant women. Susceptibility continues as vaccines are not given worldwide and are not fully protective. Rubella might still cause autism, even in vaccinated populations
Hutton J. Does Rubella Cause Autism: A 2015 Reappraisal? Front. Human Neuroscience., 2016. Feb1;10:25.
7. Pregnancy is a critical time to evaluate rubella exposure. This study estimated the current incidence of rubella exposure in pregnancy to be 6.38%.
Hutton J, Rowan P, Greisinger A, Mouzoon M. Rubella Monitoring in Pregnancy as a Means for Evaluating a Possible Re-Emergence of Rubella. AmJObstetGynecol. 2014. Nov;211(5):534.e1-4.
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